Saturday, July 26, 2008
Both of Us Back in the Swing
Movement for 7/26/08:
- I'm feeling better. So is Mom. So far we haven't used the wheel chair at all. She's walked under her own steam every place except through the living room, where there is no means of support, where she's used the walker, and very well, I might add. No problem with steps. No throwing herself down when she sits. I'm expecting her to be fully mobile for the rest of the day.
- Mom wasn't too sure of herself when she awoke from her nap. Although she walked into the bathroom under her own steam, she wasn't confident about her ability to make it through the hall, down the steps into the living room and to her rocker. She jokingly asked if I could "carry" her out to the living room...I laughed and suggested the wheel chair, which she routinely forgets. However, after dinner some conversation and a science show DVD she had no problem imagining herself walkering through the living room and walking from the steps through the bathroom into bed. I'm not sure why her confidence was shot when she awoke from her nap, could have been anything. I'm just pleased that it revived later in the evening.