Friday, August 22, 2008
A Little Less Than Normal
Movement for 8/22/08:
- At Mom's 12-hour-sleep mark today, 1330, she asked for "another hour". She hasn't done that in a long, long time. Despite this, she was up at 1400 on her own. She wasn't particularly energetic, even asked "why" she had to get up. I responded that she had the answer to that question, since she awoke on her own. Although we haven't used the wheelchair, she's been slow and stiff today, and has looked tired. I have no idea how this evening will go. She hasn't moved any less than usual, but not any more, either.
- No wheeling this evening, although she mentioned that she was "having trouble getting around." From my perspective, she wasn't having any more trouble than usual, but she was feeling it more, tonight, I think. No changes in routine, though, although she clearly wasn't into "straightening up" much as she moved, so, after the second reminder with no response, I stopped reminding her.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Hard Early, Easier Later
Movement for 8/21/08:
- It's official: If Mom doesn't get 12 hours at night, she doesn't move well. It wasn't hard to get her sitting up in bed, but from there, she just wasn't ready to move. Although she made it into the bathroom "under her own steam", it was just barely and only because she refused the chair. I practically shouldered her all the way. I didn't insist on the chair into the dinette, either, but a quarter of the way there she stopped in her tracks. Luckily, I'd stationed the wheel chair just a bit beyond, so I maneuvered her into it. Transfers were fine, but she simply wasn't up to much else, although she assured me, repeatedly that she wasn't in any pain and downright refused the 325 mg acetaminophen I offered her. She was not, however, stiff or slow going from the dinette to the bathroom for a nap.
- Evening has been much easier for both of us. I didn't bother to ask her if she thought she could make it into the bathroom after her nap. She was ready to head in before I was ready for her to go. She walked, walkered and stepped very well into the living room; even sang on her way. I expect the rest of the evening to be much the same. If it is, this is the last I'll write for the day.
- Mom's evening movement got better and better. She walked and walkered more than she has since she returned from the rehab facility, primarily because she initiated (and, believe me, this is a big deal; I usually suggest them...sometimes she refuses) two bathroom visits. She was also, once again, amenable to being directed through "stop and stretch" routines as she walked and walkered. Lately she's been annoyed by these and has ignored them, all the while "pretending" as though she's actually doing them. Anyway, she worked herself into a successful movement day, which pleases me.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
A Little Lower Today
Movement for 8/20/08:
- She was more tired than usual, today. I started working on her to awaken at noon. She was finally rousable at 1300. Moved slow, although stayed on her feet. Stopped to readjust her right knee a lot although didn't cop to any pain when asked. Went down for a nap at about the right time, but was snoring when I checked on her at two hours, so I let her go for three. Verrry slow upon awakening from nap. So slow and so unsure of herself on her feet that I suggested the wheel chair from the bathroom to the living room. She took the suggestion. I gave her 650 mg of acetaminophen at dinner, with her permission. I gave her a choice of regular or extra strength and she said she thought she needed the extra strength. She hasn't gone to bed, yet, and hasn't moved out of the rocker since she sat there at dinner. I'm curious to see how she'll be doing on her way to bed.
Faulty Memory Again: Mine
Movement for 8/19/08:
- This is why I need to report these things on the day they've happened, or no more than a few hours after: I have very little memory of her movement profile for this day. It was the day the nurse was supposed to visit, so I awoke Mom earlier than usual. I think she got about 10 hours of sleep, because I wasn't able to get her into bed as early as I had hoped. She was slow in the morning but, more important, complained of shin pain. Second day in a row she's complained of specific leg pain. I offered an extra strength acetaminophen tablet. She chose the regular strength. She slept for almost four hours during her nap. I let her go. She seemed somewhat improved in the evening; still tired but no longer even remembering the shin pain.
- Made an interesting observation, though. While we were waiting for The Nurse Who Never Came we played a game of Sorry. For the first time since I can remember (and I have a loooong memory) my mother kept her arm off the board, for the most part, without being reminded. It surprised me.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Another Stiff Day
Movement for 8/18/08:
- Although she refused the use of the wheelchair again today, aside from what is becoming the usual stiffness when she awakens in her morning, she complained of pain about two inches above both of her knees. Upon prompting, she described it as "outer" pain, more like "muscle" pain, rather than "inner" pain. This is the second time in a week she's complained of this. I gave her a regular strength acetaminophen at breakfast. The pain and the observed difficulty getting around continued, though, so, in the evening with dinner I gave her extra strength acetaminophen. She perked up tremendously. Her pain disappeared and when she went to bed (an earlier retirement than usual so that I can get her up at 1100 on Tuesday in order to get her ready for the RN's visit) she moved very well, was perked up and reported that the pain in her thighs was gone.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Stiff Day
Movement for 8/17/08:
- She started out stiff and, despite a regular strength acetaminophen at breakfast, pretty much stayed that way throughout the entire day. When I offered her the wheel chair, on a hunch, on her way to her nap and her way to bed, she took the option, which is unusual, but I was glad, as she was fairly unsteady on her feet when she did walk or walker, today. Despite being wheeled from the rocker to the bathroom both before her nap and on her way to bed, she walked into the bedroom both times. She complained of her lower back hurting on her way to bed but refused acetaminophen, saying that sleep would "work out the ache", which is does. She also stood well for brushing her teeth but didn't have much stamina. She tried to stop brushing after about 30 seconds; I prompted her to continue, and she did, but was not happy about it.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
I Was the One...
Movement for 8/16/08:
- a horrible mood, today. I couldn't face much of anything having to do with caregiving (although this is not to say I couldn't face Mom), so I extended her sleep period for an extra hour, as long as I dared. I didn't take stats, although she received all her meds on time. When I awoke her I announced I was "not feeling good" and explained that I was having an "emotionally bad day" and needed to take a "vacation", so we wouldn't be doing stats; and, I added, I'd noticed that today on TCM was "Fred Astaire/Ginger Rogers" day, so I was diligently taping the all those movies I could because I figured I needed to watch "things like that". Mom immediately brightened. She moved well throughout her "morning"...much better than I expected. As well, her brightened mood seemed to put me on a better track. No wheel chair. As well, throughout the day, as we watched the movies, I noticed that Mom was "dancing" in her rocker; moving her feet, keeping time to the music with her arms. Since many of the movies featured songs with which we were familiar, we both sang during those songs.
- Not sure why, although I have my theories, but Mom awoke from her nap a half hour before I had promised to awaken her. Thus, her nap was a bit less than 1.5 hours. She "ambulated" herself out into the kitchen and alerted me to her presence in a chair at the table while I was typing away on the computer, doing a little research. She was cheery, in an excellent mood, ready for dinner and ready for more "dancing movies". We had an excellent evening, and both went to bed satisfied with the day.