Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Hazy Recollection
Movement for 7/14/08:
- This was the first day of MPS' and MPNC's visit. Frankly, I don't remember much about how much Mom moved or didn't move. I remember she was highly distracted and especially thrilled with the presence of visiting family. I, unfortunately, was equally distracted. I think that Mom didn't move all that much because she spent much more time at the table than usual, was up for longer preiods and I have a vague recollection that when she needed to move she was, typically, waaaay to tired to do much of it herself. I remember wheeling her down the ramp into the living room for the second part of her day, which included "Dinner and a Movie". I remember wheeling her from her rocker to the foyer banister, having her take the stairs on foot, then wheeling her the rest of the way to the bathroom and to bed. I also remember that she didn't want to stand at the sink to brush her teeth, last night, so we did the spit bowl routine.