Friday, July 18, 2008
Slow But Sure Revival
Movement for 7/17/08:
- Walked under own steam to bathroom. Rode to the table. Walked under own steam to dinette banister. Took the steps. Walkered to her rocker. Rode to the foyer steps before her nap. Took the steps. Rode to the bathroom before nap and to bed for nap. Performed all transfers with varying facility.
- After nap, walked into the bathroom under her own steam. Walkered to the foyer banister. Took the steps. Attempted to walker to the rocker but foundered about half way through the living room and sat in the chair, to be wheeled the rest of the way. Still and all, she had moved so much more than I expected of her today I congratulated her and told her that I admired her courage. I do.
- To finish off the day, Mom chose to be wheeled into the bathroom to ready for bed and into the bedroom. She was very tired. She wanted me to wheel her up the ramp onto the main landing but I was so tired from living two sets of hours and so achy from all the extra muscular work demanded of the visiting week that I asked her to "please try" to take the steps. She not only tried, she took them without difficulty.