Sunday, August 17, 2008
I Was the One...
Movement for 8/16/08:
- a horrible mood, today. I couldn't face much of anything having to do with caregiving (although this is not to say I couldn't face Mom), so I extended her sleep period for an extra hour, as long as I dared. I didn't take stats, although she received all her meds on time. When I awoke her I announced I was "not feeling good" and explained that I was having an "emotionally bad day" and needed to take a "vacation", so we wouldn't be doing stats; and, I added, I'd noticed that today on TCM was "Fred Astaire/Ginger Rogers" day, so I was diligently taping the all those movies I could because I figured I needed to watch "things like that". Mom immediately brightened. She moved well throughout her "morning"...much better than I expected. As well, her brightened mood seemed to put me on a better track. No wheel chair. As well, throughout the day, as we watched the movies, I noticed that Mom was "dancing" in her rocker; moving her feet, keeping time to the music with her arms. Since many of the movies featured songs with which we were familiar, we both sang during those songs.
- Not sure why, although I have my theories, but Mom awoke from her nap a half hour before I had promised to awaken her. Thus, her nap was a bit less than 1.5 hours. She "ambulated" herself out into the kitchen and alerted me to her presence in a chair at the table while I was typing away on the computer, doing a little research. She was cheery, in an excellent mood, ready for dinner and ready for more "dancing movies". We had an excellent evening, and both went to bed satisfied with the day.