Saturday, September 27, 2008
Ai, yi, yi!
Movement for 9/25/08:
- Although some of the edema subsided, my mother's weakness, especially in her legs, escalated throughout the day. It was, needless to say, a complete wheel chair day, yet again, with so much difficulty transferring that in a couple of cases I literally lifted and swung her from chair to chair. She was insistent, though that she wanted to make the transfer, for instance, from wheel chair to dinette chair. I will be reporting much more about all this in the journal, as all the significant developments (including tongue thickening in the late afternoon) led, in the afternoon and early evening, to two phone consults with the Hospice RN on call and a preemptive prescription for antibiotics under the assumption that she had developed pneumonia.
- Within four hours after her first dose of Levaquin 500 mg, by the time she went to bed she was feeling better and appeared to be getting her strength back, although neither of us was confident enough about her strength to allow any walking, walkering or time on her feet.