Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Missed it by a Hair
Movement for 9/9/08:
- I thought today might be our first non-wheelchair day in a week, but I was wrong. She was so groggy when she awoke from her nap that even after a good half hour of sitting on the bed, taking her second breathing treatment of the day, having her blood glucose tested, chatting and playing with the kitties she had no confidence in her ability to move. She didn't even think she could get into the wheel chair and talked about not getting up at all. She had, though, leaked through during her nap so, at the very least, changing was necessary. I wasn't sure I could pull her up from the bed and support her into her chair. Neither was she. She so lacked confidence in my ability to do this that she resisted with her tight grip and her amazingly strong arm and back muscles; thus, I discovered, today, just how strong I really am! I not only got her up, I maneuvered her to her right and settled her into her wheelchair in a perfect position. Her reaction: "My goodness, child! I didn't think you could do that! Neither did I!
- She used the wheelchair all the way to the living room after napping. She was also a bit "rum dumb" all evening, which was kind of fun, because she was also talkative and sing-a-tive. All of this, though, put me in mind that she might need the wheelchair to bed, since she was clearly so relaxed you could have said she was a little drunk, if you didn't know better. When I suggested wheel transport, though, she scoffed, rose to the occasion on the second try and made it all the way from the living room to the bathroom and into bed on her own two feet, with the usual assistances, of course.