Thursday, October 23, 2008
A Little Better, A Little Worse
Movement for 10/22/08:
- The little "better" is that, because she was up so much, we managed to get in three full exercise sessions and, for one of them, the middle one, Mom was enthusiastic rather than lackadaisical. The "worse" was that she stayed up so long (for her) before her nap that she hadn't the confidence to walk up the foyer steps, so I wheeled her into the bathroom for nap prep. She walked into the bedroom, though, for her nap. We had a good evening, although she was very tired and really pushing herself at the end before going to bed. For some reason, she just had to stay up an extra 10 minutes, here, an extra 15, I let her, of course. What else is there to do? She walked from the foyer steps into the bathroom, though, and from there into the bedroom. Just one of those days, I guess.