Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Cold Excitement
Movement for 11/25/08:
- I pretty much covered Mom's day in detail, including much of the movement portion, which wasn't much, over here at the main journal, so this will be a quick, clean review to make sure I got everything.
Walked (with environmental and my support, as usual) to the bathroom with little trouble after awakening.
Opted for wheelchair out to the dinette.
Walked around the dinette table and down the dinette steps to the wheelchair, awaiting her transfer to her rocker; walked well.
Wheelchair from rocker to bathroom to bedroom for nap.
Wheelchair the rest of the day.
Transferred well in the morning; a bit more iffy in the evening.
She was in very good spirits in the morning, as it was an RN visit day and she was excited, but in the evening she appeared to be coming down with a cold, or, perhaps, slipping back into a "Bad Cancer Cycle" day.