Friday, November 14, 2008
A Little Less, a Little More
Movement for 11/13/08:
- She arose without the confidence to trust herself to walk to the bathroom or the dinette, so we wheeled it for the first part of her morning. After breakfast, though, she was insistent on walking around the table and down the dinette steps the the living room, as usual being transported to the rocker in the wheelchair.
- Evening brought on a lot more energy. She not only walked into the bathroom but felt confident enough to do a good job of walking to the banister and down the foyer steps to the waiting wheelchair, with which I took her to the rocker. I'm almost beginning to feel confident enough to allow her to try to walker, again.
- As has been happening lately, in the evening she is much too tired to want to head to the bathroom using anything but the wheelchair, but once we finished with bedtime prep in the bathroom, she was eager to walk into the bedroom and did a fair job, faltering only once.
- No more nausea, today, thank the gods.