Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Oomphing Along
Movement for 11/18/08:
- Although she seemed more tired and iffy, to me, than she was yesterday, and was certainly slower, she gave it "the old college try", under her own motivation, and, so far, the day has proceeded exactly like yesterday movement-wise; it just is taking her a little longer to get where she is going, today, and she is pausing, a lot, as she works her way to her destination. Her more-tired-than-usual state, in fact, led to what I would consider an early nap: At 1545, just a smidgen beyond three hours after her awake time. Not that she doesn't often take "early" naps; it's just that she hasn't, lately. Once she was abed, I told her that I wouldn't start to "worry" about how much she was sleeping until about 1930. More...
...later. - She chose the wheelchair for her entire post-nap evening. She remained tired, but attentive, throughout the evening and retired exactly 12 hours after she awoke earlier today. It was just one of those days for her.