Saturday, November 22, 2008
The Power of Positive Thinking
Movement for 11/22/08:
- Mom's confidence in her legs was a little shaky this morning; she wanted to use the wheelchair to travel from her bed to the bathroom for bathing. Normally I'd allow her sway but this morning she just looked, and had been acting, as she raised herself to a sitting position, took her breathing treatment on the edge of the bed and joked an chatted with me and the cats, as though she could probably hoof it to the bathroom; slow, maybe, haltingly, even, but I thought she could make it. I was right. She was slow, she halted fairly often, but she wasn't really iffy on her feet. Her steps were solid. She just wasn't used to doing this.
After her bath I didn't give her mode of mobility another thought. Without realizing it, I assumed that she'd, of course, be able to hoof it into the dinette. She did. I also assumed she'd be able to hoof it around the table through the dinette and down the dinette steps. She did. Her transfers with the chair, when we used it, were a little wobbly, but other than that she appeared to be in movement recovery. She was up for a long time (for her) before her nap and had already started to lapse into nap relaxation so we used the wheelchair from the living room to the bedroom by way of the bathroom. Again, her transfers were iffy but they always are when she's overstayed her up time.
Looks like we're on the upswing again. Perhaps we have a few "Good Cancer Cycle" days ahead of us. Here's hoping. I'll, of course, report back, later, on her evening. - She hoofed it into the bathroom, again, from the bedroom after her nap, but wasn't feeling good about it, halfway through. So, we opted for the wheelchair the rest of the night. She was much more comfortable with that. She transferred much better during the second half of her day than the first.